Live WE Blog....
We now "believe" the election really was rigged...
.... did you know that there are over 7,000,000 dead people in the USA? Hmmmmmmm.. Isn’t that odd? Coincidence, I think not. It is also a known *fact that most dead people are Democrats.
Twitter War: Trump Vs Biden
Trump is about "rigged" and how he won the election... Biden is about uniting and COVID... Which one do you think is the "WE" of the two?
Election - candidate press conferences detailed review (11/5/2020)
A detailed review of the Presidential candidates press conferences today...
Which next President is about Compassion and Kindness?
I am getting past looking at economy, taxes etc... I am looking at who benefits WE as a whole and not the candidate the is all about ME. Which one do you think Donald Trump is and which do you think Joe Biden is?
Wearing a Mask - WE or ME?
Donald Trump is NOT a WE
We try not to be political on our store, but it is hard in these times to avoid things the POTUS says and does. Too many examples to list of why Trump would be about ME and not WE...
Just like Aretha said... R...E...S....P...E....C....T
many of the experts will say that the point of the mask is not to protect you, but to protect others from you
California and New York Governors talking We versu Me
Governor Gavin Newsom's wife mentioned Me to WE, and Governor Cuomo stated It is not about Me it is about We.