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Donald Trump is NOT a WE

We try not to be political on our store, but it is hard in these times to avoid things the POTUS says and does. Too many examples to list of why Trump would be about ME and not WE...

The most recent that really highlights this has to do with Twitter. With Covid going on...with protests in the country.....etc... he spends valuable time attacking "social media" solely because he felt personally offended by Twitter needing to Fact Check. Just think if they started fact checking three years ago! 

Fact checking had to do with his statements about mail in voting. Again, we have to feel this is about ME, not WE. He may feel that mail in favored Democrats, though there have been studies that say there does not seem to be an advantage and a couple say it is an advantage to Republicans. Absentee voting is not a new thing and there are many states where the majority of voting is done by mail/absentee... Here is a study by the government done after 2016 voting - 

This site is not political. A Republican can be just as much a WE as a Democrat can be. It is about in life thinking of WE and not just ME when making decisions. We need leadership that is about WE and not about self....

Is it being in the ME mindset that delayed response to the virus? Is it thinking ME now that may take us back to SIP in the Fall? 

Continue to think WE in life and when making decisions, including voting. ...


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