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Which next President is about Compassion and Kindness?

Politics is getting more and more frustrating each day... I am getting past looking at economy, taxes etc... I am looking at who benefits WE as a whole and not the candidate that is all about ME.  Which one do you think Donald Trump is and which do you think Joe Biden is?  This country and this World need more compassion and kindness. Just a browse through Youtube videos of each will answer this question pretty easily... Which most resemble the best leaders in history?

The recent debate was embarrassing from both sides but by far Trump was rude, interrupted on a regular basis and the Fact Checkers fingers were burning. Many of the Fact Checkers would say Biden had some misinformation, but by far Trump had many more. Aside from that, who was more representative as a Leader? 

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Think about voting WE ... Think about Voting based on Compassion ... Think about Voting based on Kindness ...

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