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Live WE Blog....

Is Humanity more We or Me?

Is it more natural to be We or ME in making Life's decisions? Is Humanity naturally WE or ME? 

Is your favorite Talk Show host a WE or a ME??

Carson and Letterman always made introductions as "our next" guest....Some others will make the introduction as "my next guest"... Leno was a "my next guest", as is Colbert..

Not Me, Us

Not Me, Us ... Is a slogan that has been going with the Bernie Sanders campaign. 

Basketball team, Living WE?

"Strength in numbers", became a reality.

Did I Live a WE moment, or not...

Sometimes during daily moments in Life, I might question whether I just lived a LIVE WE moment or not...Today I was holding a door open for somebod...

Why does it sometimes seem the World is acting like the NFL?

It seems that what we hear from a lot of politicians these days is the US versus Them approach. Many times we hear the statements such as, We are #...

I Vote for We...not about ME...

About a year after our Presidential election, I was speaking with someone about the Pres...They asked me, "well are your  taxes are better than the...

More alike, than different....

As Humans, we have some differences...Take away Politics, Race, language etc.. we are all made of DNA and water and we a...