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Not Me, Us

Not Me, Us ... Is a slogan that has been going with the Bernie Sanders campaign. This can be read different ways... Is it This is not about Me, it is about Us? Or is it Do not make decisions based on Me, Make them based on Us? 

No matter, it is in the same line as what we are about at Live We, Not Me. This is short for Live a lifestyle based on decisions that impact family, friends, community etc (aka WE), and not just yourself (aka ME)...

Whether Republican or Democrat, we can ALL find ways to Live WE... We are ALL HUMANS and should think that way no matter race, color or religion. 

Does Donald Trump live a WE or ME lifestyle? Is Barack Obama about WE or ME? Is Joe Biden ME or WE? Is Elizabeth Warren ME or WE? Is Bernie Sanders WE or ME?........

If we thought WE more often, how different could the World Be.....Hmmmmmmmm


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