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More alike, than different....

As Humans, we have some differences...Take away Politics, Race, language etc.. we are all made of DNA and water and we are sharing ideas and ways to share that we are ALL Human. If we Live a life based on how it impacts WE (family, friends, community etc.) and not ME (just you), the world can be a different place. Play a small part in this and share with others the idea of WE...Not groundbreaking, but it is something we can all do a bit better, and coexist in a healthy manner...At the store, are some good daily reminders whether it is a Live WE, Not ME shirt or Hoodie or a Make America Human Again cap or......

You can also be part of the discussion on the Live WE, Not ME Facebook page -


Try to Live WE daily... Start with a Live WE or Human coffee mug....

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