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California and New York Governors talking We versu Me

During the Stay at Home, we are seeing daily talks by state governors on top of the daily Presidential talk. In the last week both California and New York governors mentioned  We over Me. Governor Gavin Newsom's wife mentioned Me to WE, and Governor Cuomo stated It is not about Me it is about We....

I am not sure we have heard President Trump, say anything close to this. "Make America Great Again" almost sounds like a WE statement, but is it really? 

The only way to defeat the virus is to think WE. It is scary seeing all of the people out there protesting when what they are doing and the result of what they want, could be very harmful to many people. With all the uncertainties of the virus, it seems better to error on the side of being overly careful. 

It is important for businesses to come back, but should be in a slow safe manner. Not one that could potentially lead to increased virus exposure...

Play it safe...Take time to relax...Take time to be creative.....

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