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Should we think "Me" or "We" for Covid-19 deaths?

We get daily updates on how many people have died in the USA from COVID-19... Today (10/14/20) that number is just over 216,000. That is a terrible number and it keeps getting higher, right now around 700-1,000 per day. This is from almost 8,000,000 cases based on testing...

What we really do not hear a lot about is the number of deaths Worldwide (aka "WE"). As of today, this number is approximately 1,090,000 with an estimated 38,000,000+ cases!!!!  From news and politicians, you would think this is a USA (aka "ME") issue. It does seem that the times this is brought up is when it is used to show how the USA is out of ratio on number of deaths based on population... The USA population is approximately 330,000,000 and the estimated World population is 7,690,000,000 (aka 7.69 billion), so the USA would be approximately 4% of the World population. When you look at deaths from COVID-19, 216,000 divided by 1,090,000 equals approximately 20% !!! What has the rest of the World (WE) done that the USA (ME) has not done? 

Some interesting, continually updated info

What if the USA took the view that this is a World issue and worked together with the rest of the World on creating vaccines, cures etc? It should not be a competition to who gets there first. As long as it is out there somewhere, it is an issue, so why not have the World drop their issues and work together as a "WE"? Probably too many egos etc involved for that ever to happen, but what a concept. The WHO (World Health Organization) may have its issues, but it is one attempt at working together, and "our" President has stated the USA is pulling out of WHO. Will a President Biden rejoin the WHO?  He has said he will...Too  Late?

We need to conquer this thing as a "WE"... Trying to conquer as a "ME" has the chance of leaving it hanging out there and possibilities of it spreading again...

Lets hope the World can find a way to work as a "WE" and drop political differences, if just for a little bit...

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