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Living     We     Daily

Choosing to Live WE and Not ME on a daily basis.

It can change the World...Live WE, Vote WE, Make decisions based on WE........

Think about Compassion. Think about Kindness. Think about Community. Think about WE

You can check out ALL items in the store HERE

What are we about?

At Live We, we believe that the World would be a better place if more Humans approached Life on a WE basis and Not a ME basis.Whether you are Republican Democrat, Libertarian, Independent, Green etc.. you can choose to LIVE WE..

As we watch happenings in the World with decisions made by some World leaders that are not about benefiting the small few and not the whole (aka WE), we wonder what happens when decisions are made on a WE basis? This is true on a smaller level for individuals. What would happen if everyone made their daily decisions based on impact on WE and not ME? How different would the World be?  We are trying to play a small part in emphasizing Living WE and not ME....

Products at the store represent that we are ALL HUMAN no matter Race, Religion, Culture...etc...We can Live WE daily..

You can check out ALL items on the store HERE